Thursday, January 26, 2012

Polar Animals and the 100th Day

We celebrated the 100th day of school!

We learned about penguins and other polar animals and where they live.

We did an experiment that showed us how the polar bear's blubber keeps them warm.

We played Thin Ice.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Mitten

This week we read the book The Mitten. We acted it out and used puppets to tell the story. We also learned about what kind of clothes we wear in the winter to stay warm and what kind of clothes we wear in the summer to keep cool. We also did a science experiment called exploding dots!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter Fun!

This week we've made snowmen, painted snow scenes, and made winter collages.

 We Played Melt-An-Ice-Cube and learned lots of was to make ice melt!

We went ice skating!

 We even did a science experament!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year! We are happy to be back and having fun with our friends!

We also want to welcome Ansley to our class!