Friday, December 9, 2011


This week we were getting ready for Christmas! We made gingerbread men, Christmas trees, and Christmas ornaments. We also watched Polar Express! Then we got to dink hot cocoa. What a great week!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gingerbread Men

This week we learned all about gingerbread men. We decorated lots of gingerbread men. We mixed gingerbread dough and made gingerbread ornaments. We read stories every day about gingerbread men. We even acted out 5 Little Gingerbread Men and made our own gingerbread man story.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


We have been learning all about pumpkins, turkeys, and the first Thanksgiving!

Please remember to send in chocolate items for our Winterfest basket!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This week we have been getting ready for Halloween! We have learned about bats and spiders. We made skeletons out of macaroni and q-tips. We also made black cats. Next week we will learn all about pumpkins!

Parents, don't forget to send in some wrapped candy to for the student's goody bags on Monday!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Community Helpers

This week we learned about community helpers. Some of the community helpers we learned about were doctors, nurses, construction workers, fire fighters, teachers and dentists. We learned about some of the ways that these people help our community. We also had a great time at the Ft. Stewart fire station! We saw real firemen in their gear. They showed us their fire trucks and some of their tools that they use to save people from fires. We even got to get inside the fire truck and meet Sparky!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fire Safety

This week we have been getting ready for our field trip to the fire station! We have been learning all about fire safety. You can go on to with your child and review some of the fire safety lessons that they have been learning this week!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This week we learned all about fall. We learned about animals that hibernate and how the leaves turn colors and fall off of the trees. We also learned about scarecrows. We read books about fall and made scarecrows and made lots of things with fall leaves.

I still need some of your I Care feedback forms. Please send them in as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Also, we will be going to the Ft. Stewart Fire Station on Oct. 20th. Please fill out, sign and return the permission forms that were in your child's folder so that they can come with us on the field trip.